Photo  Album

La Escuelita

Your Donation Can Be Designated.

Simply  attach a note to your check informing us to 
whom and where the formal notification of your 
honorarium or memorial gift should be sent.

Also, if you wish your donation to go to a Project,  Wish List item 
or Teacher Scholarship Program,  please indicate on a note also.

Your return receipt will also indicate your specific designation.

We thank you most kindly for your assistance.

This is a photo gallery of images about everyday life at our little school. 

Meet some of us, our teachers and the wonderful visitors that come to help  
with the things we need most -   good health, clothes and education.

Visiting the Zoo
It is you who keeps this going. Please help.
All work on behalf of La Escuelita in the US is done by volunteers, and all expenses are donated.  100% of your donation goes to Nicaragua.
Learning To Make Music
Brush Your Teeth
Happy Mother's Day
Nutritious Snacks
Exercise Is Fun
Christmas Pageant 

La Escuelita is under the 501c3 of CEPAD-USA, a US organization 
that works for the poor of Nicaragua.  

To donate to La Escuelita, make checks out to CEPAD*USA 
earmarked for La Escuelita and send to:

Bev Kirkman 
5605 Groomsbridge Court
Raleigh, NC  27612

All contributions are tax-deductible in the United States