Sponsor a Child
Sponsor A Child

Each year there are new children who need sponsorship..
You may donate or sponsor by sending your check or money order to: 
Bev Kirkman 
5605 Groomsbridge Court
Raleigh, NC  27612

All contributions are deductible for U.S. I.R.S purposes.
Sponsor-A-Child Program

Each year the teachers choose children for the Sponsor-A-Child program based on need.  These are the children who are the most disadvantaged, and might feel left out because their parents cannot afford any extra educational needs - tutoring, glasses, dental care.  Your contribution of $200 per year will help make a student's life a little easier - providing medical care if needed, basic education and school supplies, a hot lunch every day.  Your sponsored child will receive vitamins, de-worming and lice treatment medication and toothbrush.  

If you or your group or organization would like to sponsor a child, we will send a photo and a brief description of his/her family situation.  The teachers have asked us to stress that your money goes to the school directly, not to the parents or the child.  This ensures that the money is spent strictly on the children's educational needs and is not used for any other purpose.  

 For more information, please contact Penn Garvin at penngarvin@gmail.com.  

100% of all donations and sponsorship fees go directly to La Escuelita.
La Escuelita

Your Donation Can Be Designated.

Simply  attach a note to your check informing us to 
whom and where the formal notification of your 
honorarium or memorial gift should be sent.

Also, if you wish your donation to go to a Project,  Wish List item 
or Teacher Scholarship Program,  please indicate on a note also.

Your return receipt will also indicate your specific designation.

We thank you most kindly for your assistance.

Beverly visiting children at la Escuelita